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A Discussion of User-Induced and Non-User-Induced Traffic

Applying data analysis to a large, generated network data set in order to analyze periods of user activity vs. passive network activity 

Artificial Intelligence in Neuroradiology

Taking existing tools used in neuroradiology and leveraging them on a high-performance computing cluster in order to see how we can leverage these clusters in order to improve the process of training sophisticated machine learning models.


Code available on my Github.

"Cyan" Course Scheduler

Course project for Software Engineering. A proof of concept web page for a course scheduling tool that allows students to post and read reviews of professors and courses.


Source code available on my Github.

Automobile Diagnostic Tool

Taking characteristics of abnormal automobile behavior, primarily audio to determine if we could identify potential problems before needing to go to a mechanic. Final conclusion was that the problem was solvable, the model architecture was theoretically viable, but the resources we had been provided lacked enough data to successfully train the model. This information was brought to the client, who pursued the avenue our team recommended for further data collection to train the model sufficiently


(Work done as part of a course where I was a part of a team working for Progressive; all code and systems are property of Progressive, and as such cannot be shared)

Data Standards Generator

A tool that takes a semantic data model, a la the Planetary Data System used by NASA, and, using an RDF representation of the data model, transforms the model​ into an HTML page for displaying the data model in a human readable way, designed to look similar to the web page for the Planetary Data System data model


(Work done in my role as Junior Developer for White River Computing; all code and outputs are property of White River Computing, and as such cannot be shared)

Industrial Machine Monitoring System

A system that uses a current monitor and a Feather m0 with LoRaWAN to report usage statistics of an industrial machine to the cloud, where it is then presented to shop managers via a Grafana dashboard


(Work done in my role as Summer Software Developer for the Institute for Smart, Secure, and Connected Systems (ISSACS); all code and outputs are property of ISSACS, and as such cannot be shared)

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